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Is Your WordPress Website Maintained And Secure?
We Support And Secure Your WordPress Website
We make sure your WordPress website stays live, healthy, updated, backed up, and secure, so you can focus on growing your business instead of dealing with technical headaches.
Things We Will Assist You With:

Website Maintenance

If you leave your website software outdated and unmaintained, you are at a risk of getting hacked. Think you are not a target? Read more, why your website is worth to hack. We make sure that everything on your website is updated and maintained.

Website Maintenance

If you leave your website software outdated and unmaintained, you are at a risk of getting hacked. Think you are not a target? Read more, why your website is worth to hack. We make sure that everything on your website is updated and maintained.

Website speed

Is your website sluggish? If yes, you are losing customers and money. We make your website faster with website optimization tactics or by working directly with server infrastructure.

Website speed

Is your website sluggish? If yes, you are losing customers and money. We make your website faster with website optimization tactics or by working directly with server infrastructure.

Dedicated Support Person

You will have your own support person for your website. That means this support person knows exactly your website history and how to fix everything.

Dedicated Support Person

You will have your own support person for your website. That means this support person knows exactly your website history and how to fix everything.

Free Fixes

We offer unlimited emergency fixes. Any fix to your current WordPress site is covered no matter how big or small. You can order extra development and new functionalities in our customer portal.

Free Fixes

We offer unlimited emergency fixes. Any fix to your current WordPress site is covered no matter how big or small. You can order extra development and new functionalities in our customer portal.

Detailed reports

We will make sure you get updated about all that’s happening using our customer portal’s work logs. This ensures a great way to see progress being made on your site.

Detailed reports

We will make sure you get updated about all that’s happening using our customer portal’s work logs. This ensures a great way to see progress being made on your site.
Pricing Plan

Extra Protection

For WP Sites Needing Edits and Security

+ $60
FREE – First month is on us
  • Unlimited Website Edits
    Security Optimization
  • Periodical security audits and reports
  • StackPath Security

Extra Performance

For That Extra Boost on Speed And User Experience

+ $60
FREE – First month is on us
  • Unlimited Website Edits
  • Speed Optimization
  • Mobile & Tablet Optimization
  • Image & Media Optimization
Ready To Get Started?